What Can Cause Your Windows to Fog Up?

Foggy windows are a familiar sight in many homes. This phenomenon can happen in any season. While it can be a cause for concern, it doesn’t necessarily mean your windows have problems.

Keep reading to learn more about condensation on windows. 

Why Window Fogging Occurs

Window fogging is essentially a result of condensation. Condensation occurs when warm, moist air comes into contact with a cold surface. A significant factor contributing to window fogging is the difference in temperature between the inside and outside of a home. 

During the colder months, the warm air inside your home can touch the cooler surface of your windows, causing condensation formation. The opposite can occur in the summer when cooler indoor air meets the warmer exterior window surface.

Increased Indoor Humidity and Window Condensation

Aside from indoor and outdoor temperature differences, increased indoor humidity can cause window condensation. Cooking, running the dishwasher, showering and other daily activities can make your living space more humid. When warm, moist air comes across colder window surfaces, it releases its moisture, resulting in fogging. Improving ventilation, running exhaust fans and using a dehumidifier can help lower humidity levels in your home. 

When Do You Need to Contact Professionals?

Is there condensation between the panes of your windows? If so, it’s best to have them checked by experienced professionals. It’s a common sign of window seal failure. Once window seals deteriorate, they will allow moisture to enter the space between the panes, resulting in fogging that you can’t wipe from the unit’s exterior surface. If this is the case, you might need to have the affected window replaced. 

When it’s time to replace your windows, you can rely on Howard Roofing & Home Improvements. Call us at (636) 296-1057 or complete our online form to request a quote. We work with clients in Belleville, IL, and nearby communities.