4 Gutter Maintenance Mistakes You Need to Avoid

Your gutters serve a very important function, channeling rainwater or melting snow from the roof to a proper drainage system located in the ground. With this in mind, it is crucial that you avoid incorrect maintenance practices so that your gutters can continue keeping your home dry and safe. A gutter and roof repair specialist shares four missteps here.

  1. Failing to inspect and clean your gutters regularly. One of the most common gutter maintenance mistakes homeowners make is not performing gutter inspection and cleaning. This can result in the accumulation of leaves, needles, twigs and other debris in the gutters, blocking the free flow of water. The worst-case scenario is that it leads to basement flooding and soil erosion. It is recommended that you check and clean your gutters at least once or twice a year.
  1. Neglecting gutter repairs. Your gutters are constantly exposed to harsh elements, and this makes them susceptible to all kinds of damage. Neglecting to repair gutter damage can open the floodgates to a host of even more extensive and costly water damage.
  1. Forgetting about proper drainage. Another roofing and gutter maintenance mistake that you should avoid is not having the correct drainage system to remove runoff from your property. Not only can this lead to damage to outdoor spaces but also the destruction of crops, insect and rodent infestations, mold growth and wood rot.
  1. Failing to prepare for the cold weather. Once the temperatures drop and the weather becomes cold, homeowners tend to forget about their gutters. Be sure to clear out your gutters before the first frost and remove any ice or snow buildup the moment you see it.

Howard Roofing & Home Improvements is a premier home improvement company. Whether you need to install new gutters or repair asphalt shingle roofs, our team has you covered. Just give us a call at (636) 296-1057 or fill out our online form to schedule an appointment. We serve clients in Belleville, IL, and nearby areas.