Gutter Clogs and How to Deal With Them

When your gutters are clogged, it can be a tedious job to clean. But this can’t be avoided, as gutter cleaning and maintenance are necessary to avoid water pooling and damage on the edge of your roof. Just make sure that you let the professionals handle the job because even if you have the basic safety equipment, it can still be dangerous if you’re not sure how to properly unclog your gutters. Our roof repair and replacement team at Howard Roofing & Home Improvements explain some of the most common types of clogs below:

Sludge and Muck

These are most recognizable as a slimy black material made of a rotted mess of broken-down leaves, branches, and sometimes animal carcasses. Although you can use the muck and sludge as organic matter in a compost pile (if you have one), it’s usually better to clean them off your gutters and dispose of them properly. These types of clogs can affect your gutters and downspouts over time as they prevent them from directing the water runoff properly and slowly cause rotting damage on your roof’s edges.

Bird Nests

Birds often flock to uncleaned gutters and use the accumulated debris to build their nests. While some may just get some and build their nest at a nearby tree, others may stick around if there’s enough debris and build their home directly on your gutters. The only way to prevent this from happening is to clean your gutters regularly to ensure the debris doesn’t attract any potential wildlife. You’ll need to work with a trusted roofing contractor as they can schedule routine gutter cleaning and maintenance checks. 

Branches and Leaves 

These types of clogs typically come from overhanging branches of nearby trees that shed their leaves throughout the year. Gutter guards are the best way to keep the debris from clogging your gutters, but keep in mind that they’ll shed even more during the fall season. During this time, it also becomes a tedious chore to clean them off by yourself, so it’s better to hire a professional to do it for you. They know how to do a thorough gutter cleaning job so that there won’t be any leaves and small branches to cause clogs and other additional problems during the colder months! 

When it comes to well-built asphalt shingle roofs, Howard Roofing & Home Improvements always gets the job done right! If you live within Belleville and nearby IL areas, call us today at (636) 296-1057! You can also contact us through our convenient online form.