Gutter Protection: The Gutter Shelter™ Advantage

No one likes to clean gutters, but this is no excuse for not cleaning your gutters regularly. Left unattended, the foliage might prevent run-off rainwater from making it to the gutters, causing it to spill onto your siding. If this keeps up, the water might seep in and cause you a lot more problems in the long run.

Luckily, there’s a simple solution to every homeowner’s dilemma: install gutter protection. Doing so will prevent foliage and other debris from accumulating in the gutters. You’ll have plenty of brands to choose from, but Howard Roofing & Home Improvements & Home Improvements, a top residential roofing company, recommends you choose Gutter Shelter™. But what makes it stand out from the other brands?

Liquid Adhesion Technology

While washing the dishes, did you notice that running water flows down the underside of the glass? That’s the scientific principle of liquid adhesion at work.

Gutter Shelter uses the same principle to ensure water sticks to its surface and travels down your gutters, preventing it from spilling from your roofing and over your siding.

Heavy-duty Brackets

Gutter Shelter is durable enough to withstand heavy storms and blizzards. It can handle up to 22″ of rain per hour with no problem, and its patented Sturdi bracket can bear heavy loads of snow and resist winds of up to 90 MPH.

Lifetime Warranty

Even the strongest gutter protection is worthless if it can’t last for at least a year. But Gutter Shelter goes above and beyond that with a lifetime guarantee on its thick panel with Cerma Clad™ paint finish. Plus, if you ever decide to sell your home, you can transfer the warranty to the next owner.

Design Options

Some homeowners might be hesitant about how gutter protection might interfere with the design of their exterior. Fortunately, Gutter Shelter comes in 13 different colors, giving you flexibility in choosing a finish that will complement the color of your roof.

If you decide to install gutter protection, only hire reputable contractors with accreditations, like Howard Roofing & Home Improvements & Home Improvements. We have been accredited by the Better Business Bureau and offer residential and commercial roofing services.

To get a free consultation, call (636) 296-1057 or fill out this form. We serve homeowners in St Louis, MO.