How Can Wind Damage Your Gutters?

Gutters help keep your home protected against water damage. Like your roof, they are constantly exposed to the elements since they are outdoors. They can also become more susceptible to wind damage when not installed properly or maintained regularly.

Learn how wind can damage your gutters from a local roofing expert. 

Wind-Blown Debris

Even if there aren’t trees around your home, you should still have your gutters cleaned regularly. Winds can carry dirt, dust, dried leaves and other debris to your roof and gutters. When not removed, they can cause clogging, making the system inefficient and more prone to moisture-related problems. 

During storms, large objects, such as building components and branches, could strike your gutters. When heavy enough, these objects can cause your gutters to shift or pull away from your home. Contact professionals immediately if you notice problems with your gutter system following a weather event. Howard Roofing & Home Improvements is here for your gutter replacement and roof repair needs.  

Metal Fatigue

Your gutters could move back and forth because of high winds. Over time, this movement can weaken their material, increasing the risk of metal fatigue. This issue can compromise the nails, fasteners and screws that keep your gutters in place. When not secured well, your gutter system will eventually sag. 

Schedule a professional inspection if your gutters have cracks. Also, don’t delay repairs if they are necessary. Doing so will increase the likelihood of roof damage, basement flooding, foundation issues and erosion. 

Need new gutters for your home? Choose a reliable contractor for your project, like Howard Roofing & Home Improvements. We are committed to providing superior gutter replacement services. Our experienced team also specializes in asphalt shingle roofs. Call us at (636) 296-1057 or complete our online form to request a quote. We work with clients in St. Belleville, IL, and the surrounding areas.