3 Asphalt Shingle Maintenance Mistakes to Avoid

As a homeowner, it is your responsibility to ensure the proper maintenance of your asphalt shingle roof. However, you should be aware of what not to do when taking care of one of your most important investments. Howard Roofing & Home Improvement, your trusted contractor for your residential and commercial roofing needs, explains the mistakes you need to avoid when it comes to asphalt shingle roof maintenance.

1. Going the DIY Route

Performing DIY on your roof will never be a good idea, and here’s why: apart from the safety risks involved, patching the damage up on your own may void your roof’s warranty coverage. It may also impact your homeowner’s insurance, especially if you decide to do everything on your own following a storm. Any roofing work is best left in the hands of professional roofers.

2. Disregarding Roof Inspections

Scheduled maintenance with your local roofing contractor, which is done every two to three years, helps prevent issues from growing worse. However, that doesn’t mean you ignore your roof completely. As a homeowner, you must also perform visual inspections every year and after every severe weather event. With a pair of binoculars, you can detect if something is wrong and get the roofing team to visit your home for an emergency repair.

3. Ignoring Your Gutters

Your gutters and downspouts are as important as the roof itself. Their purpose is to keep your home’s foundations and exterior components, including the roof, in good condition. It makes sense to perform gutter cleaning more than once a year if there are trees on your property. To ensure your safety, let the pros handle the cleaning. Alternatively, consider investing in gutter guards, which help keep leaves, twigs and other organic debris from collecting inside your gutters.

Turn to Howard Roofing & Home Improvement for your residential roofing needs. Call (636) 296-1057 or fill out our contact form to request a free quote. We serve homeowners in and around St. Louis, MO.