3 Common Trouble Spots in Your Roof

roofing system can develop several problems during the course of its service life. The most common are easy enough to identify on your own and checking these trouble areas often will help keep your roof in good shape. However, most issues still require the trained eye of a professional. Howard Roofing and Home Improvements discusses three problems areas that may need inspection.

1. Soffit

The soffit is beneath the overhanging section of a roof eave below the fascia and rafters. A vented soffit allows air to cycle to the vents and draw heat and moisture away from the house. It helps to ventilate the attic and prevent rot in the sheathing and rafters. It also helps regulate the temperature in your attic and through the rest of your home. Have your roofer look for cracks, holes and rot to avoid any entrance for water or insects and small animals.

2. Fascia

Fascia is the band running along your roof line right under the roof edge. It connects to the ends of the rafters and trusses. It attaches the gutter to the roof, creating a smooth, even appearance for the edge of a roof. The fascia protects the edge of the roof against the elements—most especially water. Moisture is the number one cause of problems with your fascia so check often for signs of rot or damage. Contact your trusted roofers  at Howard Roofing and Home Improvements immediately if you spot an issue.

3. Gutters

Gutters keep water away from your building’s foundation and protect its structural integrity. They are susceptible to water and debris buildup that cause mold and mildew under your roof. The biggest problem is when gutters get blocked with debris. The excess weight can cause them to sag and pull away from the fascia. Leaks or holes in your gutters need sealing by caulking or filling. Larger holes will need a patch. Seek the services of the experts for gutter repairs.

In need of a roofing company you can depend on? Trust Howard Roofing and Home Improvements. Call us today at (636) 296-1057. We serve clients in St. Louis, MO.