3 Tips to Handle and Prevent Roof Leaks

Spotting roof leakage requires serious detective skills. Often, the leak’s apparent location is different from its actual source. But even if you manage to find it, it’s ill-advised to fix your own roof.

If you notice telling signs of water intrusion, such as excessive moisture in the attic and puddles on the floor, here’s what you should do:

Call In Pros

An active leak is an emergency, and you ought to treat emergencies as such. Otherwise, you might face graver interior damage unnecessarily and get your insurance claim denied.

The moment you discover a leak, call an experienced roofing contractor that offers emergency repairs, like Howard Roofing and Home Improvements. Your roofer would temporarily cover the affected area and wait for the inclement weather to subside before fixing it.

Keep Leakage Under Control

Although emergency roof repair specialists never sleep, it could still take a couple of minutes before they arrive. Until then, you should be able to keep the water from causing further damage to your valuables.

Most roofers would agree that poking a small hole in the middle of the ceiling could effectively drain the pool of water behind it. The water collects somewhere until it finds an escape route. And when it locates multiple points of exit, the leak would look worse than it really is.

To avoid letting several areas of your home get soaked with water, look for a bulge in the ceiling and puncture it. This should allow the leak to flow out properly. Using buckets to catch water is fine, but it’s better if you can find a larger container with wheels to make disposal easy.

Schedule Professional Inspections Routinely

Getting the leakage controlled and repaired is one thing; preventing future leaks is another. If you don’t want to go through the same nightmare again, make preventive maintenance a habit. Let professionals inspect your roofing system on a regular basis. This way, you can be aware of all red flags early and head off surprise leaks.

Turn to Howard Roofing and Home Improvements to avoid the hassles of roof leakage. Call us at (636) 296-1057 to schedule your free, in-home, no-obligation consultation in St. Charles, MO, and to talk about your maintenance needs.