4 Flashing Mistakes That Can Put Your Roof at Risk

The flashing plays an important role in the whole roofing system. It protects against potential leaks and moisture-related issues, especially at the vulnerable areas of the roof where water could seep through, such as the vents, dormers and chimneys.

Unfortunately, mistakes during installation prevent this roofing component from performing its intended function. Trusted roofing company Howard Roofing & Home Improvements, takes a look at some of the most common.

Mistake 1: Incorrect Flashing Material

One major mistake involves using the wrong flashing material. It’s crucial to use the appropriate material that is compatible with your roofing system to ensure a watertight seal. For instance, using aluminum flashing on a copper roof can lead to galvanic corrosion, which weakens the metal and exposes the vulnerable parts of the roof to leaks.

Mistake 2: Improper Installation

Every roofing component, including the flashing, must be installed correctly to ensure the entire system remains intact and works to protect your home from the elements. A single mistake during its installation can expose your roof to a wide range of issues stemming from water intrusion, including mold growth and rot. For instance, installing step flashing without the proper overlap and angle can leave gaps for water to seep through your home. Hiring experienced roofers who won’t commit this kind of error is imperative for your peace of mind.

Mistake 3: Insufficient Sealant

The flashing is only as effective as the sealant used to keep it in place. Applying an insufficient amount of sealant, or even using the wrong one, can run the risk of leaks and other issues down the line. A professional roofer will make sure to use a high-quality sealant, and that it is applied in the correct amount to create an effective barrier against moisture.

Call Howard Roofing & Home Improvements Today!

Whether you require roofing repair or replacement, it’s always a good idea to leave the work to experienced professionals like us. The team at Howard Roofing & Home Improvements has extensive knowledge and expertise to ensure your roof remains intact, including the shingles and flashing. Give us a call at (636) 296-1057, or fill out our contact form for a free quote. We serve homeowners in and around St. Louis, MO, and the surrounding communities.