4 Important Things You Should Know About Skylights

Skylights add warmth and beauty to areas in your home that windows can’t reach. Before you consider having one installed, there are a few important things you should know. In this blog, roofing contractor Howard Roofing & Home Improvements sheds light on these important details about skylight installation.

  1. Skylights Are Vulnerable to the Elements — The ideal roofing system is as close to a monolithic layer as possible. The less seams and penetrations there are, the less vulnerable it will be to the elements. Skylights penetrate the roof, and therefore increase its vulnerability. It doesn’t mean you should forget about skylights. Rather, you should be careful in choosing quality skylights. More importantly, you should choose an experienced installer who will make sure your roof will be free from leaks.
  2. Skylight Placement is Important — Skylight placement isn’t as simple as choosing a dark area and installing skylights over it. The area in question may have environmental factors such as high levels of moisture. For example, bathrooms and kitchens typically have skylights, but there has to be proper ventilation to prevent moisture from clouding the windows. Working with knowledgeable roofers can help you pick just the right spot for your skylights.
  3. Bigger Skylights are Often Better — The effect of a skylight in a room is considerably different than a normal window. If you’re not sure which size will work best with your room, choose the bigger skylight. You can control the amount of sunlight after the fact, if you find it too bright. Choosing a smaller one then later finding out you need a bigger one would just double the installation costs.
  4. You Can’t Control the Sun — Unlike electrical lighting, natural lighting from skylights changes within the day. When installed on certain sides of the house, particularly at the south facing roof, it may overlight your home. Direct much sunlight can fade fabrics and make your indoor space hotter. Investing in glass with low-emissivity or “Low E” coatings, which can block UV rays and heat from the sun while letting visible light through, can help you get the most out of your skylights.

Howard Roofing & Home Improvements is your leading provider of roofing systems and Velux skylights. Give us a call at (636) 296-1057 or fill out our contact form. We serve customers in St Charles, MO, and the surrounding areas.