7 Ways Window Replacement Pays for Itself

It’s frequently said that window replacement pays for itself. The truth is, the noticeable energy savings earned by upgrading to ENERGY STAR®–certified windows may not immediately suffice to offset their total cost.

However, any professional residential roofing and window contractor, like Howard Roofing and Home Improvements, will attest that the benefits of energy-efficient windows, while not intangible right away, are still very significant. Below are the seven best examples.

1. Improved Indoor Comfort

When done flawlessly, a window replacement eliminates draftiness, which is a common barrier to a stable indoor climate. Temperatures inside the house are bound to change, for there are heat sources everywhere. Weathertight windows help keep your thermostat from having fluctuating readings because they trap indoor air and prevent the entry of outdoor breezes.

2. Reduced Condensation

Experienced roofing and window contractors admit that airtight houses are bound to become moisture-heavy since there are fewer exits for inside air. Howard Roofing and Home Improvements argues, though, that window panes with Low-E coatings stay warm enough to prevent the moisture in warm air from condensing.

3. Abundant Daylighting

ENERGY STAR–approved windows collect tons of sunlight while blocking solar heat and providing thermal insulation to rooms. They provide an abundance of natural light without the drawbacks of the elements.

4. Enhanced UV Protection

Low-E glass can deflect harmful ultraviolet radiation, too. As a result, the furnishings exposed to direct sunlight will not fade as fast.

5. Less Noise

Double glazing, when combined with an insulating gas, contributes to noise abatement effectively. You can instantly experience peace and quiet after installation.

6. Increased Space

The profusion of light with the large piece of uninterrupted glass make your rooms seem larger than they actually are. If you get bay and bow windows, you can create more usable real estate because they create natural recesses.

7. Guaranteed Building Code Compliance

Much like a commercial roofing installation project, a permitted window replacement can help bring your house up to code. The windows in finished areas must meet the local fire egress requirements, which promotes safety.

Turn to Howard Roofing & Home Improvements to enjoy all of these benefits from new, better windows. Call us at (636) 296-1057 now to schedule your no-obligation consultation in St. Louis, MO, and get a FREE estimate.