8 Ideal Places for Skylights

Skylights act like windows for your roof. They can be fixed or vented and can come with screens or blinds. They also differ in size and shape. If you are considering putting skylights for your home, Howard Roofing recommends you try installing them in one of these places:

1. Hallways – They are usually dark, especially in single-story homes. You can place skylights at the end or center of the hallway to create a feeling of wider spaces. You can also have them installed near the wall so that the light can reflect on it.

2. Closets – You can make the small space look larger if you use the right skylight. Make sure you choose units with ultraviolet ray protection to prevent fading in garments.

3. Lobbies – You can create a good first impression using skylights because these can highlight focal points like foyers.

4. Stairs – If you install skylights on roofing in St. Louis, MO, above staircases or bridges, they can emphasize movement between these spaces.

5. Bathrooms and powder rooms – If you are installing skylights in these areas, make sure they do not cast a shadow when you are facing the mirror. You can place them above elements that you want to highlight, such as tubs or showers.

6. Laundry room – Skylights can provide the right amount of light so you can separate and wash clothes effectively.

7. Dining room – You can incorporate a skylight above a light fixture for a unique effect. This way, you do not have to use artificial light during breakfast or lunch hours.

8. Kitchen – Although kitchens already have windows, you can balance the natural light with skylights. This reduces glare and improves productivity.

Installing skylights can make rooms look brighter, bigger, and more welcoming. When you are in the market for reliable options, trust Howard Roofing. We carry VELUX® skylights that are energy-efficient, reliable, and beautiful. They come with double glazing glass and thermal frames for optimum energy savings. They also come in different styles. We can install VELUX skylights on residential or commercial roofing in St. Louis, MO.

For more design tips, call us at (636) 333-1690. You can also schedule a free in-home consultation when you fill out our contact form.