A Guide to Roof Maintenance this Spring

Winter has come and gone, and it probably did a number on your roof. Snow, wind and extreme temperatures put a heavy strain on your roof, so the best thing you can do is to conduct proper roofing maintenance. Here’s a quick guide to help you get started.

Check Your Energy Bill

A significant rise in energy bills can also be a hint that there’s something wrong with the roof’s insulation. If your siding, windows and doors are all in good shape, then there’s a fair chance that your roof is responsible for causing regulated indoor air to seep out, putting a strain on your HVAC and increasing your energy consumption.

Check Indoors

Some symptoms of roofing problems are more visible from the indoors. Check your ceiling for signs of mold growth, water rings or leaks. If you spot anything, call a team of professionals for immediate roof repair before the problem gets worse.

Check your gutters

Your home’s gutter system plays a key role in keeping water from seeping through the sides of your roof. Check for any sign of warping or dents in your gutter’s troughs. A damaged gutter system is likely to have caused water build-up during the cold months so make sure you call a roofing specialists if you see any signs that might point towards moisture damage.

Check for missing roof fragments

Ground-level checks are mostly done but you still have to check the top part of the roof, so perform a visual check from the ground. Look for any glaring signs of damage such as missing or raised shingles, which are common problems for asphalt shingle roofs. Look at your roof from all sides of your home for a more thorough check.

Do you need help with roof maintenance this spring? Howard Roofing is more than happy to provide roofing services in St. Louis, MO and nearby areas. Call us at (636) 296-1057 or fill out our contact form to request a free quote.