Be Prepared: 5 Things to Expect During a Remodeling Project

Anyone who has completed a big remodeling project will tell you it takes time and effort. For first-time remodelers, unexpected things can be stressful. Between the expenses and the excitement of anticipating your finished project, it’s hard not to feel apprehensive.

Knowing what to expect can reduce the stress and help you come prepared for any contingency. Here are five things you should expect with remodels:

  1. Dust. Our decades-long experience as a roofing contractor in St Charles, MO, means we know how important it is to keep remodeling projects clean and dust-free. Nonetheless, a small amount of fine dust does tend to escape. There are a few things you can do to prepare. Use dust covers on large electronics like your television. Keep your devices in their sleeves when not in use. You can also consider purchasing dust masks ahead of time, especially if you need to go into the work area.
  1. Noise. Depending on the size of the project, you might only have to wait a few hours for the roofers in St Charles, MO, to complete the project. In case it will take an entire weekend, buy earplugs if you have to work or take a nap within hearing range, and to keep your family’s ears safe.
  1. Less privacy. You should expect people coming in and out of the house during installation, so you should move or cover anything you want to keep private. Same with things that might accidentally get broken. Our workers clean up after themselves, however, so rest assured we’ll make things more convenient.
  1. Budget. As with many home improvement projects, small but unexpected expenses along the way are to be expected. Having contingency cash on hand that’s about 20% of the contract price should be enough.
  1. Delays. The weather can become unfriendly. With Howard Roofing, you only worry about keeping yourselves healthy. We’ll work on your roofing in St Charles, MO, in the most convenient time and provide you with an efficient service.

We understand the importance of a quick and unobtrusive installation, and we try to keep our processes that way in every project we do. If you would like to know more about our services, call us at (636) 333-1690. We hope to work with you on your next project.