Can You DIY a Gutter Installation?

Gutters are essential parts of any roof, whether you have a residential or commercial roofing system. Of course, commercial roof gutters will look different than their residential counterparts, but the function remains the same across the board. While gutters may look simple, their installation is actually not. And because of the important role they play in your roofing system, it’s important that they are installed and handled by an experienced professional.

Gutter installations look deceptively simple which is why a lot of homeowners are tempted to save a few bucks and take a DIY approach on this project. Let our experts at Howard Roofing & Home Improvements show you why this could be a big and potentially expensive mistake.

Do You Know What Type of Gutter You Need?

Gutters have many different types. Your residential roofing system will also have different gutter needs than, say, your neighbor’s. Only a professional can properly assess the correct size, type, and installation that your particular roof requires. Improperly sized gutters can lead to overflow problems. This could further result in more problems in other parts of your home like your siding, your basement, and your foundations.

Do You Know How to Mount Gutters Correctly?

While they may look straight and level from the ground, gutters are actually installed at a slight angle. This helps water to flow properly into the downspouts and into a safe drainage site. Achieving this angle is a balancing act between calculating the right pitch, choosing the correct mounting mechanisms, and sizing the proper dimensions of the gutter, all of which a professional gutter contractor can help you with.

Do You Know Where to Put Your Gutters?

Installing gutters isn’t just about fastening them to the fascia boards of your roofing system. Proper location on where to nail the braces and mounting brackets is also essential. Incorrect placement can jeopardize the structural stability of the rest of your roof.

At Howard Roofing & Home Improvements, you can count on our professionals to help you with all your gutter installation needs. Give us a call at (636) 296-1057 or fill out our contact form to request a free estimate today. We serve homeowners in St. Louis, as well as other surrounding areas in MO.