Common Commercial Roofing Problems to Avoid

To weather the effects of nature, residential roofing needs to be made of strong components. However, it takes serious toughness to make a dependable residential roofing system. Constant exposure to the elements can still take a toll on them and reduce their service life. 

Here’s a look at four common commercial roofing problems you need to avoid at all costs:

1. Blow-Offs and Billowing

These are yet more problems brought about by troublesome or improperly installed flashing. Poor flashing installation can cause seams, laps and blow-offs on commercial roofs. Ultimately, this leads to diminished wind and puncture resistance that could spell trouble during turbulent weather.

2. Poor Installation and Workmanship

Faulty installation greatly increases the likelihood of roofing failure. That’s why it’s important to look for a truly dependable contractor when undertaking a roofing project. Even if you invest in a system that has earned the top awards in its class, if it isn’t installed properly, it won’t work properly.

3. Lack of Maintenance and Care

Next to installation, lack of maintenance is another major cause of failure in commercial roofing systems. The roof bears the full brunt of nature, so it’s natural to show signs of wear and tear along the way, but maintenance extends the lifespan of the roof. With a little maintenance and care, you can repair minor damage and even fortify your roof to extend its longevity.

4. Pooling and Puncturing

Take utmost care to level flat roofing systems. If not, pooling or ponding can occur. When this happens, collected water can damage the system over time. Additionally, high-traffic areas can also be prone to puncturing, even during installation. This can cause water damage in the future, compounded by the fact that these small punctures aren’t easy to spot.

Whether it’s for residential or commercial roofing, Howard Roofing and Home Improvements is the company you can depend on. With over 45 years of experience in the industry, you can be sure we have what it takes to get the job done. We serve home and business owners in St. Louis, MO, and the surrounding areas. Call us now at (636) 296-1057 to get a free quote.