Common Roofing Issues You Should Address Immediately

Your roof is responsible for keeping your home dry, safe and cozy all year round. Regardless of its quality, however, you’ll eventually encounter problems. These can be solved with either minor repairs or a complete replacement.

To extend your roof’s service life and maintain its peak performance, it pays to get ahead of leaks, mold growth and other signs of damage. Howard Roofing, your residential roofing expert, discusses the top issues you should address as soon as possible.

Water Spots on Your Ceiling

Water stains on your ceiling can be caused by various factors like condensation. But if they appear and grow in size after a heavy downpour, then roof leaks are likely the culprit.

The source of leaks is usually hard to identify because they travel along the roof panels first before landing on your insulation and leaving a stain. Once you see this problem, have an expert perform an in-depth inspection.

Excessive Granules in the Gutters

The granules you see on your asphalt shingles serve as a layer of protection against UV rays. Once they’re gone, however, the shingles will start to become brittle. The granules you find when your roof is newly installed are just loose granules, and they’re not a cause for worry. Granule buildup in your gutters when your roof is no longer new, however, means your roof is nearing the end of its service life. As your dependable roofing contractor, we can help you determine how much time your roof has before you need to replace it.

Curling Shingles

When your roofing shingles get worn out, their ends tend to cup. This can get worse when your attic is poorly ventilated. Hot, moist air can heat up the bottom of your roof, causing the shingles to deteriorate faster. This creates an entry for leaks. You need to maintain proper airflow in your attic and make prompt repairs when necessary.

Taking care of your roof is key to keeping your home structurally sound. Once you detect signs of damage, turn to Howard Roofing right away. With our vast experience, we have what it takes to keep your residential and commercial roofing system in top condition. Call us today at (636) 296-1057 or fill out our contact form to get a free quote. We serve residents throughout St. Louis, MO.