Condensation and Its Effects on Your Roofing System

Roof condensation tends to pop up during the colder, winter months. If left unchecked, it can cause serious problems with your roofing. Howard Roofing and Home Improvements discusses its causes and what you can do about it.

Roof condensation has a very specific cause: moisture. It occurs when heated air inside the home rises up to the roof and meets the colder outside air. This tends to occur more in the colder months when home heating is more common and intense. Moisture soaks into surrounding materials causing rot, mold, insects, and other such adverse effects.

Though usually associated with attics, condensation can occur throughout the roof assembly. This makes it more difficult to notice. Wet streaks and drips remain the best visible signs. Roofers like Howard Roofing and Home Improvements use thermographic imaging to identify the issue. Fixing condensation issues involves getting rid of moisture or preventing its effects. Solutions usually include the following.


Balancing roof and attic venting is quite tricky. This includes having enough air flow, but not so much that it compromises your home’s heating. Experienced roofers can provide vents for ridges, roofs, gables, eaves, ceilings and more to give your home just the right amount of ventilation.

Un-Cool Your Roof

Cool roofs are very popular as they help lower heat levels in a home, particularly in summer. Thus, homeowners save money on air conditioning. In winter, though, the extra-cool roofs have a tendency to encourage condensation. To reduce condensation, a change in roof color or composition may be helpful. Make it a point to think about the effects of condensation on your roof as it relates to your climate.

Insulation and Vapor Barriers

More insulation can indeed keep a roof warmer and diminish condensation issues. Yet it’s vapor barriers that keep water vapor from passing through. They prevent moisture build up on wood or insulation. Investing in them now can help you in the long run.

In need of a dependable roofing contractor? Count on Howard Roofing and Home Improvements for quality attic and roof insulation. Call us today at (636) 296-1057. Get a free estimate on roofing from the leading roofing contractor in St. Charles, MO.