EPDM and TPO: Cost-Effective Roofing Solutions

Keeping your commercial building dry and damage-free starts with installing the best roofing system. When it comes to choosing the right one for your needs, be sure it offers superior weather performance, energy efficiency, and sustainability. This allows you to enjoy long-term protection, comfort, and savings, making the allocation of your resources easier.

As your trusted roofing company, Howard Roofing suggests two outstanding options – EPDM and TPO. These continue to rise in popularity because of their unrivaled qualities. Let us discuss how they will benefit you:

EPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer)

EPDM is a synthetic rubber membrane made from recycled materials, making it an environmentally friendly choice for commercial roofing. It can stand up to rough conditions, from heavy rains to strong winds, and still remain in great shape for a long time. It also has high reflectivity to keep solar heat from entering your building. Since it is naturally versatile, it allows for your building’s movement and setting. This ensures optimum performance throughout the seasons. It lasts up to 50 years, which translates into low life cycle costs.

TPO (Thermoplastic Polyolefin)

TPO roofing can give you the combined benefits of EPDM and PVC (polyvinyl chloride) roofing but at a more economical cost. Several filler materials are added during its manufacturing process, such as talc, carbon filler, and fiberglass for improved strength and durability. Similar to EPDM, it is highly flexible. This makes it resistant to tears, punctures, and impact damage. It is also ENERGY STAR®-rated, which means it can help maintain a comfortable indoor temperature with less energy costs.

You can achieve all of these benefits easier when you turn to Howard Roofing for an exceptional roof installation. We have been providing top-notch services and cost-effective solutions to maintain a structurally sound building since the mid-1960s. Whether you’re in need of a quality commercial or residential roofing, we’ve got you covered. Call us at (636) 296-1057 to learn more about our products. You may also complete our form to request a free estimate. We serve St. Louis and adjacent areas in MO.