Factors that Affect Your Asphalt Roof’s Aging

Your home’s asphalt shingles may be designed to last for a long time, but there are several factors that can extend (or shorten) their lifespan. Today, our team of roofing experts take a look at the different factors that affect how your asphalt roofing ages.


Your home’s asphalt roofing shingles are constantly exposed to the harsh elements. Depending on where you live, your shingles may have to withstand more frequent storms or more extreme summers and winters. Roofs in tropical climates tend to suffer from more wear and tear due to rains, while roofs in areas in more temperate areas have to deal with more extreme temperatures and snow.


There’s no question that paying more attention to your roof’s maintenance can extend its expected lifespan. The more consistency you have in keeping your roof in good shape, the more damaging issues you can prevent. This means your roof is less vulnerable to major issues that could drastically cut down its lifespan. This effect is much more noticeable if the maintenance is performed by a certified roof repair contractor.


Even the very shape of the roof has a significant effect on the lifespan of your asphalt shingles. According to roofing experts, steep-sloped roofs tend to have longer lasting shingles compared to low-sloped roofs. This is because steeper angles allow the shingles to shed water more effectively.


Easily one of the biggest factors that decide the lifespan of asphalt shingle roofs is the way they were installed. Those that were installed by inexperienced people are more likely to have problems with the build quality which could keep them from lasting as long as they should. On the other hand, roofs installed by certified contractors are installed exactly according to manufacturer’s specifications so they can withstand the effects of wear and tear much better.

Get long-lasting asphalt shingle roofs with help from our team. Howard Roofing & Home Improvements is the leading siding and roofing company in St. Charles, MO. Call us at (636) 296-1057 or fill out this contact form to request an estimate.