Fall 2018 Roof Maintenance Checklist

We’re right in the thick of the fall season, and everybody’s busy preparing their homes for the coming winter. Are you done with your roofing preparations? Here at Howard Roofing and Home Improvements, we’ve come up with a list of things that some homeowners might forget to check during the fall.


Start with checking the attic. Check for bug infestations, growths of mold or fungi, and general signs of moisture condensation. Also check for any light that may indicate a puncture in the roof.


Once you’re done inside, move outside and look at the soffits and fascias of your home. The vents need to be in tip-top shape. Cracks can lead to improperly functioning vents, and can also become openings that can be used by pests as an entry point.


When you’re done with the vents, check the gutters. Whether you’re dealing with a residential or commercial roofing installation, the gutters are an important element of your roof. They need to be clear of any debris, since these can cause the water draining from your roof to back up and cause leaks elsewhere in your property.


The flashings are the next thing to check. Experts like Howard Roofing and Home Improvements advise checking to see if all flashed areas have sealing issues. Any problems with these can lead to internal leaks.


Once you’re done checking the other parts of your roof, check on your shingles. Hop on a ladder to get this done, if you need to. Do not get on top of the roof yourself, especially without safety equipment, since you can end up damaging the roof or hurting yourself. If you need help with this, don’t hesitate to call in a specialist.

Your trusted commercial and residential roofing experts at Howard Roofing and Home Improvements know exactly what to look out for during a fall inspection. If you need our help to get yours done, don’t hesitate to call us at (636) 296-1057. You can also contact us through our contact form. We serve residents of St. Louis, MO.