The Risks of a Leaky Roof to Your Home

Your roofing system is a valuable feature that safguards your home from harsh weather conditions. It has to stand up to heat, rain, wind and snow for many years. The constant exposure to different seasons can take a toll on your roof’s health. Leaks, for instance, are some of the most common issues your roof may develop. Howard Roofing and Home Improvements, the area’s premier roofing contractor, explains the many risks of leaks to your home.

Attic and Ceiling Damage

Water has a way of seeping through even the smallest gaps. When it does, it can soak the items stored in your attic. It can also stain the ceiling. Once you notice a mark on the surface, get in touch with your local roofer. That way you can avoid further damage to your interior space.

Increased Utility Costs

Compromised indoor temperature is one of the many problems water intrusion can cause. When the insulation material gets saturated, it can decrease the comfort level of your home. That can also push the HVAC system to work double-time, resulting in higher energy costs.

To avoid an increase in your utility bills, fix your roofing system as soon as you notice the first sign of leaks. We can attend to your repair needs to keep your roof in tip-top condition.

Weakened Foundation

In addition to damaged insulation, water can also impair the wood components of your foundation. That includes rafters, ceiling joists and fascia boards. Attend to any roof damage to prevent further issues in the long run.

Howard Roofing and Home Improvements, the area’s most trusted roofers, provides excellent products and services that meet the high standards of the industry. Our team of professionals ensures proper installation and repair to protect your home throughout all 4 seasons. Call us today at (636) 296-1057 to learn more about our outstanding offerings. We serve residents of St. Charles and other nearby areas in MO.