Why Asphalt Shingles are so Popular?

Asphalt shingles are the most prevalent roofing material found throughout the country. The popularity of this material is so widespread that many a roofing company will have clients who want nothing else but asphalt for their roofs. Howard Roofing and Home Improvements shares a couple of reasons why this material is so popular.

Variety of Resistances

Asphalt is a pretty tough material. Modern iterations are built to withstand severe shifts in weather. There are some variants that are even Class 4 impact-rated. Asphalt is also a fire-resistant material, so an asphalt roof is a roof with a pretty high fire rating.

Wide Selection of Colors

The outer appearance of your roof is determined by the shingle granules coating the outermost layer of the shingle. Asphalt shingles can take virtually on any variety of color. Ask your roofers about the shingle colors they have available to know what your options are.

Good Service Life Span

A good asphalt roof can last for a pretty long time. While it doesn’t have the longevity of materials like copper or terracotta, asphalt shingles can last for at least thirty years with some maintenance. Better maintenance practices can increase this life span even more.

Easy to Install

Asphalt shingles are one of the easiest to install. Since the shingles are relatively lighter than heavier roofing materials, it isn’t difficult to transport them from the manufacturer to the roofing site. It also isn’t difficult to bring them up to the roof level to install, which can reduce the costs of transportation and installation.

At Howard Roofing & Home Improvements, we love helping our clients pick out the best roofing solutions for their needs, which includes the use of asphalt materials. Give us a call at (636) 296-1057, or you may request a FREE quote via our contact form. We serve residents of St. Louis, MO.