3 Excellent Reasons to Choose a Prefinished Siding Product

Making a more informed purchasing decision is extremely important in a siding replacement. For one thing, you’ll want to pick a material that’s designed for durability and weather resistance. You also have to make sure that your new siding is not only pleasing to the eye, but also requires little maintenance. And while there are many choices that might fit the bill, there is one that definitely will. Howard Roofing & Home Improvements, the trusted residential roofing and siding company in the area, shares why you should choose a prefinished product for your next siding replacement.

  1. Fast and Easy Installation. Prefinished siding is exactly what its name suggests–siding that is applied with a durable and fade-resistant finish during the manufacturing process. Since the color is already baked into the material, all that’s left to do is have the prefinished siding installed into your home, which helps save time and labor. It sure beats more traditional exterior options, which have to be installed then painted before the work is truly complete.

  1. Vibrant and Consistent Color. Another advantage of prefinished siding is that it keeps a consistent color throughout, meaning you won’t have to worry about it fading or peeling off. Take, for example, the James Hardie® fiber cement siding offered by premier roofing and exterior company, Howard Roofing & Home Improvements. This top industry name takes prefinished siding to the next level with its advanced ColorPlus™ Technology. By curing the finish in a factory controlled environment, it allows for an even stronger bond that resists chipping, peeling, and cracking. Its built-in UV resistance also ensures that the color of your siding will remain vibrant, and will last longer than a regular paint job.

  1. Low-Maintenance Performance. Prefinished James Hardie® siding is impervious to chipping, fading and peeling, so it won’t require as much maintenance as other exterior options. To keep it looking good and fresh, you only need to give it the occasional cleanup. And because ColorPlus™ Technology finish comes with a 15-year limited warranty that covers paint and labor, it gets to add an extra layer of protection to your investment.

Request a Siding Quote

Aside from commercial roofing services, Howard Roofing & Home Improvements also specializes in exterior home improvement. With our top-tier James Hardie siding and professional installers, we’ll make sure your siding replacement goes on smoothly and worry-free. Give us a call at (636) 296-1057, or just fill out this contact form to schedule your siding consultation. We proudly serve St. Louis, MO, and the surrounding areas.