5 Signs That Show You Need a Siding Replacement

Your siding is an important part of your home’s exterior and integrity. It is a protective barrier that shields your home from the weather and other harmful things. It pays to properly maintain your siding and to be well-versed in its condition. If there are any signs of damage, you should be able to call for repair immediately. You should also know when it’s time for a new siding. To help you understand your siding better, roofing contractor Howard Roofing & Home Improvements shares five signs that show you need a siding replacement.

1. Blistered Siding- Carefully observe your siding, if you’re seeing bubbling or blister-like patches then it’s time for siding replacement. This happens when your siding is affected by extreme heat or moisture.

2. Hail Damage- Adverse weather events like a hail storm can be very damaging to your siding. Chipping, denting and even bending can happen. To help you minimize the damage after a hail storm, make sure to religiously maintain your siding’s good condition.

3. Wildlife Damage- Your roofing and siding are not always safe from woodpeckers, insects and other pests. Look out for nests, holes and other indicators that small creatures are camping out on your siding.

4. Old Siding- Your siding can weaken over time, causing it to be more susceptible to damage. If your siding is showing signs of aging, you should consider a siding replacement. If the spot repairs are becoming more frequent, getting a new siding can save you from wasting money and energy.

5. High Utility Bills- Your siding is an effective insulator. Once it’s damaged, the conditioned air inside can leak. Your HVAC system would have to work harder to replace the cold air seeping outside. This may result in a sudden increase in your utility bills.

Howard Roofing & Home Improvements have the most trusted professional roofers and installers. Call us at (636) 296-1057 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We serve clients in St. Charles, MO.