Your Window Cleaning Checklist This Fall

As the weather gets colder and the temperatures drop, you’ll need to make sure that your home stays warm and cozy. Your home’s exteriors should also stay clean and energy-efficient as well, including your windows. If you’re not sure where to start, our window and roofing team at Howard Roofing & Home Improvements shares a quick checklist to help you out:

Inspection and Cleaning

When cleaning your windows, make sure that you take out all the curtains and/or draperies first. If you have blinds installed, wipe them down with a damp microfiber cloth instead of paper towels or newspapers. Use a bristle brush to clean window frames, screens, and tracks, while other dust and debris should be cleaned off using a vacuum.  

As you clean your windows, work from the top down in either a side-to-side or up-and-down pattern. This is more effective than wiping in a circular motion, as it can create a static charge and attract more dust to the surface. You should also inspect your windows as you clean them for any sign of drafts or damage. Make sure to have them repaired or replaced by a trusted window and roofing company so that you’ll stay warm and cozy during the fall and winter seasons!

Other Tips to Keep in Mind

Before you clean your windows, make sure to do it on a cloudy day. If you do this while the sun’s out, it can heat the glass and dry out the water and glass cleaner too fast. When this happens, the cleaning liquid can form streaks almost immediately, which is sometimes a bit harder to clean. Also make sure to use a residue-free glass cleaner, as other cleaners are often mixed with scents, dyes, and soaps that can attract more dust and grime over time.

As one of the best window installers and roofers in the area, Howard Roofing & Home Improvements always gets the job done right! If you live within St. Louis and the surrounding MO areas, call us today at (636) 296-1057! You can also contact us through our convenient online form.