4 Common Roofing Issues Faced by Homeowners

It’s your responsibility as a homeowner to properly maintain your roof. It is an essential part of your home’s structure and should be protected. To take care of your roof, there are a lot of roofing issues you should watch out for. In this article, the reliable roofing company, Howard Roofing & Home Improvements discusses four common roofing issues faced by homeowners.

Improper Ventilation

Your roofing system has to be properly ventilated. It’s the eaves, soffits and ridge’s job to circulate air in the attic. When your roofing has no proper ventilation, the temperature could be unstable and the moisture could be trapped inside. When heat and moisture build-up in your attic, it can cause roof damage. Make sure to check your attic and roof’s temperature and air circulation.

Lack of Maintenance

It’s advised to hire professional roofers to regularly inspect and maintain your roof. Roofing contractors are skilled and trained to take care of your roof. This will prevent any budding issues in your roof to be neglected. It’s also best to have your roof assessed by a roofing contractor after every adverse weather event. You should always prioritize your roof to avoid roof damage caused by a lack of maintenance.

Faulty Installation and Repairs

Roof replacement and repair should only be a job for a licensed contractor. Faulty installation and repair can be very stressful, as you already expected improvements in your roof. To prevent this, make sure to do your research before hiring a roofer. You should check if they are licensed and have insurance. It would also help to check their past clients and suppliers as references.

Roof Leakage

Roof leakage is a common problem in faulty and aging roofs. This can be caused by storm damage or aging roofing materials. Roof leaks can result in water damage, trapped moisture, and mold build-up. To avoid roof leaks, it’s important to be up-to-date with the condition of your roof. Don’t skip professional roof inspections and contact your roofer immediately once there is a sign of any damage.

We can help you with your roofing concerns at Howard Roofing & Home Improvements. Call us at (636) 296-1057 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We serve clients in St. Louis, MO.